Uniquely Canadian …
God is at work across Canada in many exciting ways
By David Arrol Macfarlane
“This is not your parent’s church”, says a card inviting people out to services in Moncton – the Lead Pastor is in his sixties yet this fast growing and vibrant congregation attracts youth and young families because of their creative and relevant way they “do church”. New approaches to church that are uniquely Canadian responses to the opportunities in changing communities are winning the day across the nation. This is good news. Because I am invited to speak at conferences throughout our country I have the privilege of meeting amazing leaders doing creative things for God in uniquely Canadian ways. Here are just a few of them:
In Montreal, is the largest French speaking evangelical church in the western world. Over 2500 people attend “Nouvelle Vie” on any given weekend in an area known as “difficult to reach” with the gospel. Claude Houde, the Senior Pastor, through prayer, a heart for the lost and an understanding of his community discovered that meeting the physical needs of people opened the door for the good news in his area. Nouvelle Vie presently feed and clothe over seven thousand families a month. The last time I visited them, the Mayor of Montreal, celebrities and many television crews were present to document and praise this phenomenon.
In British Columbia a denominational leader tells me about four successful church plants each started by a hairdresser. When I ask what was this lady’s secret he tells me that while she is cutting someone’s hair she says: “I will give you five dollars off the haircut if you come to my Bible study”. “Does it work?” I ask him. He answers by telling me that her latest church plant has sixty people in it after only a few months.
For the last ten years a couple have had a booth at Edmonton’s “Klondike Days” mega tourist attraction with a sign offering to pray for people. The booth, which is run by numerous participating churches, has led hundreds to faith in Christ each year.
When Bibles were no longer allowed to be distributed at the official ceremonies for new Canadians a Pastor in Winnipeg asks the courts if his church could host the reception after the event. They said yes! Now his congregation provides the food, act as hosts and he gets to give a short speech: “I tell them that our national anthem asks for God to keep our land glorious and free and then I talk about our need for God.” Many new contacts are made and some have come to his church.
A somewhat traditional church in Leamington, Ontario, have a dynamic and fast growing youth ministry that is revolutionizing their congregation because they put in a large skate park on their property. Kids are lining up to use the park and to come to church.
In Surrey, BC, Southside Church runs a movie night with free admission, popcorn and drinks at the church to which a thousand people from the community attended and over one hundred children returned to the Kids program the next week. When I asked what was the “secret” Pastor Cam Roxborough surprised me by answering: “We intentionally build relationships with the schools in the areas through volunteering so when we have an activity such as this they promote it for us to the students”.
Pastors in Rexdale, Ontario, discussed how to respond to the changes in their community as immigrants, mostly from the Caribbean, move in. They created “Hoops” a basketball tournament between their churches that attracts neighbourhood youth to practices each week (where there are relationships built and devotionals given) plus tournaments on the weekends. The police acknowledge that while the program is on, juvenile crime in the area goes down.
After he extols the many marvelous things that God has done through His people for their nation the author of Hebrews says in chapter 11: 32 “And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about…” neither do I of the many effective and uniquely Canadian outreaches being done across our nation at this pivotal time in our history. God is at work in Canada in fresh new ways. Let us rejoice!
To book David to speak at an event:
e-mail: [email protected]
Cell: 519 503 8380
In Montreal, is the largest French speaking evangelical church in the western world. Over 2500 people attend “Nouvelle Vie” on any given weekend in an area known as “difficult to reach” with the gospel. Claude Houde, the Senior Pastor, through prayer, a heart for the lost and an understanding of his community discovered that meeting the physical needs of people opened the door for the good news in his area. Nouvelle Vie presently feed and clothe over seven thousand families a month. The last time I visited them, the Mayor of Montreal, celebrities and many television crews were present to document and praise this phenomenon.
In British Columbia a denominational leader tells me about four successful church plants each started by a hairdresser. When I ask what was this lady’s secret he tells me that while she is cutting someone’s hair she says: “I will give you five dollars off the haircut if you come to my Bible study”. “Does it work?” I ask him. He answers by telling me that her latest church plant has sixty people in it after only a few months.
For the last ten years a couple have had a booth at Edmonton’s “Klondike Days” mega tourist attraction with a sign offering to pray for people. The booth, which is run by numerous participating churches, has led hundreds to faith in Christ each year.
When Bibles were no longer allowed to be distributed at the official ceremonies for new Canadians a Pastor in Winnipeg asks the courts if his church could host the reception after the event. They said yes! Now his congregation provides the food, act as hosts and he gets to give a short speech: “I tell them that our national anthem asks for God to keep our land glorious and free and then I talk about our need for God.” Many new contacts are made and some have come to his church.
A somewhat traditional church in Leamington, Ontario, have a dynamic and fast growing youth ministry that is revolutionizing their congregation because they put in a large skate park on their property. Kids are lining up to use the park and to come to church.
In Surrey, BC, Southside Church runs a movie night with free admission, popcorn and drinks at the church to which a thousand people from the community attended and over one hundred children returned to the Kids program the next week. When I asked what was the “secret” Pastor Cam Roxborough surprised me by answering: “We intentionally build relationships with the schools in the areas through volunteering so when we have an activity such as this they promote it for us to the students”.
Pastors in Rexdale, Ontario, discussed how to respond to the changes in their community as immigrants, mostly from the Caribbean, move in. They created “Hoops” a basketball tournament between their churches that attracts neighbourhood youth to practices each week (where there are relationships built and devotionals given) plus tournaments on the weekends. The police acknowledge that while the program is on, juvenile crime in the area goes down.
After he extols the many marvelous things that God has done through His people for their nation the author of Hebrews says in chapter 11: 32 “And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about…” neither do I of the many effective and uniquely Canadian outreaches being done across our nation at this pivotal time in our history. God is at work in Canada in fresh new ways. Let us rejoice!
To book David to speak at an event:
e-mail: [email protected]
Cell: 519 503 8380